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  1. Velma 10: the final Velma
    1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
      CN: Velma episode 10 damn my favorite scooby doo episodes are the ones in which Velma has no idea who the bad guy is even when it's obvious to the audience. In fact, I'd say if there's one thing that's true about scooby doo, it's that Velma is the last person to know anything
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
        CN: Velma episode 10 There's this bit here where Velma and Daphne are working together to figure shit out and it's like damn if only the rest of the show was like this maybe it wouldn't suck so bad. Just a thought
        1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
          CN: Velma episode 10 But the show started by shaggy being creepy so it doesn't work to pivot and go "dang actually she should've listen to his voicemails more"
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
          1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
            CN: Velma episode 10 begrudging chuckle
            1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
              CN: Velma episode 10 FINALLY jesus christ what's a guy gotta do to get Velma to solve a mystery over here
              1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
                CN: Velma episode 10 man we were having a nice few minutes there where I was almost maybe tolerating this show and nope never mind it sucks I hate it
                1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
                  man what even
                  1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
                    CN: Velma episode 10 uugghhhh
                    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                    1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
                      okay that's it that's the whole show. yaayyyyy... I think Velma wasn't that bad? I don't think that's the right choice of words. In some sense, I think it really was that bad. I mean, out of the 220 minutess of runtime there are 12 good ones, most from episode 10
                      1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
                        I guess what I mean is more like, I'm not mad. I'm tired. I gambled that by spending more time watching the show to the end I could say something that hasan't been said amidst all the hot takes but here I am finished and I'm still not sure of that
                        1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
                          The writing just doesn't work in ways that are so incredibly obvious I'm a little surprised why they weren't caught? I don't get adapting a property known for its very particular group dynamic and then writing four spiteful characters with absolutely zero chemistry
                          1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
                            I don't get adopting what is arguably the most well-known mystery series on the face of the planet and then essentially not doing any mystery solving whatsoever for 9 and a half episodes, just to have the protagonist inexplicably shape up when the show remembers it's a prequel
                            1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
                              I don't get race swapping a character known to be a stoner as black. Making jokes about how this black guy really should be a stoner. And then actually making him a stoner at the end anyway
                              1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
                                I don't get building up a romance all season and then just shitting on it last second. But I think, most damning of all, I don't understand what Velma accomplishes by being the way it is. It strives so hard to be different and to reimagine the source material, but to no real end
                                1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
                                  somehow I gotta make watching this worth it. that's the hard part tbh. anyway, yeah that's it I don't think I have anything else to say. I mean the show was bad what a what a shocker. what a twist