I have to do Velma 8 because I really don't have the time either tomorrow or this week so let's just do it
CN: Velma episode 8 So the show says Daphne likes Velma despite being clingy, needy, and possessive, because she was abandoned as a kid and likes the attention. Do I buy it? Is it working, narratively? We will see (no)
CN: Velma episode 8 Okay so that's episode 8. Next week we'll be done with the show and then hopefully the video not long after that! Thoughts for this week? Well, I'm still thinking about how Matt Warburton was so involved in writing the episodes
CN: Velma episode 8 A part of me feels like, if Velma were the Simpsons, it would work. I'm not sure if that makes sense. I feel like, in the Simpsons or Family Guy, it's okay if everyone is an ass and there's no interpersonal chemistry because all the characters reset anyway
CN: Velma episode 8 In the Simpsons, it's okay to futz with Lisa's character a bit if it means landing a joke. But this is a mystery and high school drama with a serialized plot. It needs consistent, likable characters, not snappy one-liners