Did you think I forgot about Velma? Well unfortunately for both of us I did not. Velma 7 in a bit
Do I have pre-watch thoughts? Sorta but not really. The story is trying to shuffle itself into some kind of conclusion, but none of the characters are there for that to work
CN: Velma episode 7 So to be clear, the show does know, I think, that Velma is a bad person. The other characters also think Velma is a bad person. But it's still bad writing because it means she has no chemistry with anyone ever, including her friends and love interest
CN: Velma episode 7 Daphne finally tells Velma what's going on and Velma's like "I'm pretty sure my thing's a bigger deal", still. Somehow. Just being awful in every way. I'm supposed to believe she's the center of a love triangle?
CN: Velma episode 7 So that's 7. A thing to call out here maybe is this feeling like the characters never make progress on their flaws. Shaggy and his girlfriend fought, and Velma and Daphne fought, but somehow this was resolved without anyone changing