__MoBlack’s avatar__MoBlack’s Twitter Archive—№ 18,261

    1. My one lefty hot take is that I really dislike "childfree" people. Of course if you don't wanna have kids there's no shame in that and you shouldn't be pressured into having one. But the "childfree" "community" is just fucking gross and weird t.co/spaGqB7bUN
  1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
    "I didn't consent to be born!" Well I'm sorry you don't think life is worth living, but that is a you problem. You don't get to decide a child's life isn't worth living because they may grow up poor or depressed or disabled. More often than not this is eugenics logic anyway
    1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
      "Babies are loud." "Babies are annoying." "Babies shit everywhere" yeah dude so does a fucking dog and yet if I made hating dogs and feeling superior to everyone who has one a core part of my personality that would just bizarre wouldn't it? Yeah, okay so we understand each other