I got absolutely no work done. My sleep schedule is dogshit. So I think instead of worrying about anything I'm gonna catch up on KanoKari and then lie down
I just realized how... popular *not* liking KanoKari is now? There are multiple recent videos by fairly large accounts describing how bad it is, the subreddit itself hates it now, I saw a TikTok about how bad it is I'm not even on KanoKari Tok like that
And, just, one year ago, at this very moment, there was exactly one correct KanoKari take and it was Joyce's and that was it. Everyone else gassed this shit up. Mother's Basement. Trash Taste called it "easily the best new anime of Summer 2020", simply because Chizuru is hot
I cannot even describe, if you didn't follow me or weren't following seasonals, how much of a dark age this was. It was a perpetual nightmare. But now you can say basic things like "this story isn't going anywhere, none of the characters make sense" and people will agree
Ah shit the fuckin manga hosting place went down. This is asinine
We're in boys
it is her job to act like this at this point we have long forgotten that this is the case but it never stopped being true
He's shipping Ruka and Kibe. It is as cursed as it sounds. Grandma wants to talk to Mami, okay
Actually isn't this just the girls by order of screentime and then Kazuya?? Isn't this the MOST predictable ordering??? okay the actual chapter now
I'm cry-laughing holy shit. Anyway he did a whole speech about true love and the story really really really wants you to think he will for real confess this time. And I admit my heartrate is elevated. He knows how to write like something is going to happen. It is always a lie
Luckily for me I just skip right along to 212
Is something going to happen in Kanokari for the first time in the story? Let's find out
I am letting myself believe and it is a very dangerous thing I am doing
he really got me this time I didn't think it'd be a chapter of nothing happening followed by just repeating the conclusion of the last chapter. we have reached levels of depraved emotional manipulation never before seen by mangaka
This was an amazing experience. This was so much fun