So, yes, technically, on paper, the US economic embargo on Cuba 1. only applies to US companies 2. allows Cuba to have other trade partners 3. has exemptions for food and medicine 4. is not a blockade But none of this is true in practice
1. Any company that has any business or subsidiary in the United States is subject to sanctions. So if a German company which makes 99.999% of its revenue in Europe has one store of 3 employees open in Bumfuck, IL, it can't trade with Cuba
Since the US is the world's largest economy, basically no multinational is willing to never do business with America in exchange for servicing 11 million poor people in Cuba
2. The language of the law does not prevent Cuba from having trade partners, but all of Cuba's trade partners receive their own set of sanctions for... trading with Cuba
3. The food and medicine exemptions are vaguely worded and stacked with bureaucracy so that in practice, food and medicine are hardly traded. They were explicitly banned until 2000. Here's a Bad Empanada video on it, and examples youtu.be/dM7_wTqDUCU