__MoBlack’s avatar__MoBlack’s Twitter Archive—№ 13,187

      1. If people perceive race relations as more negative post-George Floyd than they do now, maybe they needed to see an unarmed man being executed in broad daylight, and see the police brutalize everyone who thought that was bullshit, to reassess where they think we are as a society @TheEconomist/1397183717458731016
    1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
      Asking people what they think about race relations != the material reality of race relations in the United States. What would improve race relations in this country is if the cops stopped brutalizing people to enforce a racist, classist socioeconomic system
  1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
    The media is manufacturing the idea that calls for defunding and abolishing the police are increasing crime and making us more "divided". It's bullshit