watching Nagatoro until I laugh [23:40]
"Mo, why do you have Milo Murphy's law screenshots?" follower, why are you a bitch
Need more anime about people who are socially adjusted. Like, I was a loner growing up but I'm so over the "uwu I don't have friends and I'm incapable of speaking to others" shit it's unhealthy. No one wants this
so she just gets in his personal space, why
she knows martial arts?
12 episodes of this was too many
I'll finish in a bit
okay let's finish this
the chick playing Nagatoro was in EX-ARM
So the whole story is just someone who was abused his entire life, but now that his abuser is a cute girl who gives him attention for no reason he's just happy anyone pays attention to him at all
Nagatoro is a repetitive, loud, grating, irritating experience that seems to run off the fumes of worn-out romcom tropes. It was written by someone who has never been outside for people who patently refuse to *go* outside. It's not """cute""", just uncomfortable
Luckily I already wrote my Nagatoro essay. It's called my Uzaki-chan essay. All the same shit applies because time is a flat circle medium.com/mos-home-for-treatises-and-hot-takes/alright-guys-im-triggered-when-do-we-cancel-uzaki-chan-bdf00e2ddb0c