__MoBlack’s avatar__MoBlack’s Twitter Archive—№ 6,378

    1. Read a report saying something like the majority of voters want a GOP-controlled Senate... can't help but think this is the Democrats' fault for messaging around beating Trump and not fixing the problems he's symptomatic of.
  1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
    If "the only thing that matters is beating Trump" you're also saying "the only problem we have is that Trump's in charge" and "all I have to offer is not being Trump"
    1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
      If you sit back and agree with the right that """socialism""" is a significant threat to America voters feel like they need the GOP to "balance out" a Biden presidency. What a self-own lmao. Of course, voters != the working class so there's that