__MoBlack’s avatar__MoBlack’s Twitter Archive—№ 770

    1. Yes I'm sure Elon Musk personally worked very hard on a rocket he built all by himself for 18 years straight to bring the American people innovation and cheap space travel. I'm sure he's not just a capitalist with rocket fetish who owns a company with hard working employees. Sure
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
    Like this other article is framed a biography of Musk's hard work and dedication, but it's just a timeline of the things he bought with the money he has. His workers make him money and he spends them on rockets usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/05/26/spacex-how-elon-musk-took-idea-cusp-history/5257977002/
    1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
      Jesus fucking Christ the more I read that article the more it pisses me off. It mentions Musk's "controversies" like reopening a factory during a global pandemic against the advice of health officials and then says:
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
        No mention that Tesla threatened to cut unemployment benefits of workers who didn't want to work during a pandemic. Or his numerous illegal attempts to break unions in his companies. Nah he's just a headstrong visionary who knows he's right
        1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
          See? The reason why Elon Musk has 30 billion dollars is because he works "90 hours" a week. Have you ever worked 90 hours a week? No? That's why you're poor. Even if you did he's still smarter than you. It's a meritocracy of hard work and good genes. No systemic problems here
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
          1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
            Does anyone know what this guy actually works on in this fabled "90 hours"? Articles say he can "talk" about "technical stuff" but then don't name any specific projects he's done with any team in his companies or ideas he's come up with. He's a dude. A dude that owns shares.
            1. …in reply to @__MoBlack
              Fun fact: you too can also buy shares in things