__MoBlack’s avatar__MoBlack’s Twitter Archive

20,256 tweets


  1. This show goated fr but this Korean boy band looking ass Jerry Prime sounding ass emo soft boi is not Slade Wilson lemme tell ya @comicsAmy/1677416375214567426
  2. Even if you post a very polite and well-formed criticism of someone, if you are one of 7,000 copies of that exact same criticism, many of them filled with swears and threats, you are still dog piling. This is what people still don't understand about the internet, I guess @Ish_bruhh/1674303317168603136
  4. I actually think Among Us is really fun. I would probably still play it today, except at this point it's impossible to join a random game anymore. Everyone plays with weird, custom rules now and if you don't know them they kick you @DiscussingFilm/1673723397568602113
  5. Rich dudes are still paying for not letting Black people on the Titanic, lmao
  6. This is gonna sound bad but a pet peeve of mine is women who think they cannot sexualize people by virtue of being women
  7. Lol, maybe the games'll actually look good this time @Lewchube/1669379156788879362
  8. I'll be on here in a few minutes @UltraVioletPod/1666793238978502658
  9. I'm not sure how serious the meme is but my opinion is that while both pushed the boundaries of what their respective mediums can do the stories themselves are not actually similar @estroBiologist/1667477344641056769
  10. not to be racist on main but when I was in high school I got better test scores than these asians, I was captain of more clubs, I did more projects, I wrote better essays, and then when I got into better schools than them all I heard was "wow affirmative action really works" @chinesegon/1667185836020973574
  11. I guess what frustrates me is that it goes against common sense. Everyone knows the fumes in a burning building can kill you. No one huffs campfire smoke. These things are obviously bad for you. But now that that same smoke is all around it's a government conspiracy?? @MattGertz/1666791080258334723
  12. Apparently: She didn't even come second. She came sixth and simply identifies as the fastest girl in Connecticut. Mediocre white women are a threat fr @DailyLoud/1666823544196698118
  13. "Spider Verse had like 3 white people in it" yes it's a shame there were so many. Otherwise amazing film tho
  14. This tweet was genre defining @endsanctions/1665443349522968576
  15. they keep making the same show over and over @AniTrendz/1664474420214202370


  1. I just wanna point out that when South Koreans saw Squid Game they did a general strike, but when Americans saw Squid Game they immediately tried to do it in real life
  2. I cannot stress enough how much of an endless torment existence is rn
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. So in case you haven't been following, Crunchyroll acquired a near-perfect vertical monopoly on anime production and distribution in the West and immediately turned around to shit on its workers trying to unionize @KyleMcCarley/1572255377860997121
  4. How did every culture on Warth collectively decide that Africans are the lowest form of humanity? How are there videos of Koreans, Japanese, or Arabs, who've never seen a Black person in their lives but still know to speak about us like any racist white man would? @kimkimdaya/1631284939583897604
  5. "We lived our lives thinking the only thing we're good for is killing monsters. But now I know I'm good for making babies too!" I fucking hate Franxx so much
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. In my conversation with @LuaBorealis she said a lesser-known privilege of being white is that, no matter where you go on Earth, you will always be desired. But if you're Black , your Blackness is a liability everywhere. I think about this a lot still @TihomirSabchev/1497264454236610563

I’ve retweeted other tweets 3,131 times (15.5%)

Most Retweeted

  1. kayandskittles 56 retweets
  2. zei_squirrel 54 retweets
  3. lackingsaint 54 retweets
  4. Itmechr3 42 retweets
  5. __MoBlack 35 retweets
  6. ammourazz 34 retweets
  7. hmsnofun 31 retweets
  8. RebelPanda_ 30 retweets
  9. joyceestick 29 retweets
  10. TheMangaScholar 29 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. JUNlPER 5 retweets
  2. AnarkYouTube 5 retweets
  3. MorePerfectUS 4 retweets
  4. shaun_vids 3 retweets
  5. WirecatsComic 3 retweets
  6. Timesofgaza 2 retweets
  7. J_Tea282 2 retweets
  8. shaTIRED 2 retweets
  9. AnimeFeminist 2 retweets
  10. ZoeSchiffer 2 retweets

Replies and Mentions

62.1% of my tweets are replies (×12,572)

Most Replies To

  1. RebelPanda_ 271 replies
  2. ThatBlueHatGuy1 183 replies
  3. satenmadpun 78 replies
  4. poetpedagogue 77 replies
  5. WirecatsComic 75 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. RebelPanda_ 25 replies
  2. WirecatsComic 18 replies
  3. DocViviLeandra 17 replies
  4. poetpedagogue 17 replies
  5. MonkipiQuinn 14 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 6 times (0.0%)

98.6% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (3,283 of 3,331)

100.0% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (240 of 240)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.com 2514 tweets
  2. youtu.be 253 tweets
  3. t.co 89 tweets
  4. medium.com 52 tweets
  5. youtube.com 29 tweets
  6. google.com 22 tweets
  7. podbean.com 16 tweets
  8. patreon.com 15 tweets
  9. tinyurl.com 14 tweets
  10. pixiv.net 12 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. twitter.com 2513 tweets
  2. youtu.be 253 tweets
  3. t.co 89 tweets
  4. medium.com 27 tweets
  5. www.youtube.com 24 tweets
  6. link.medium.com 20 tweets
  7. criticalweebtheory.podbean.com 16 tweets
  8. tinyurl.com 14 tweets
  9. docs.google.com 13 tweets
  10. www.pixiv.net 12 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 11,985 retweets and ❤️ 129,398 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 👀 used 103 times on 90 tweets
  2. 🥰 used 93 times on 59 tweets
  3. 🥺 used 80 times on 48 tweets
  4. 😭 used 72 times on 45 tweets
  5. ✨ used 31 times on 16 tweets

112 unique emoji on 607 tweets (3.5% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. metoo used 4 times
  2. girlboss used 3 times on 2 tweets
  3. chaz used 3 times
  4. chop used 2 times
  5. podcastsagainstapartheid used 2 times

69 hashtags on 68 tweets (0.4% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. f_cking used 429 times on 418 tweets
  2. s_it used 382 times on 369 tweets
  3. f_ck used 342 times on 324 tweets
  4. b_llshit used 121 times on 119 tweets
  5. f_ckin used 108 times on 106 tweets

2,082 swear words on 1,994 tweets (11.6% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets